face to face onsite interpreter

Interpreting: the ultimate multi-tasking

With the constant exchange of content commercially, culturally and academically in today’s world, the localization industry plays a vital role in making this possible.

While translation takes away the limelight in the industry, interpreting services are often mis-considered as an extension of translation. Here, we’ll try to understand the differences in a more magnified way.

Translation vs Interpretation

The key difference that distinguishes these two from each other is that while translators deal with written words, interpreters deal with spoken words.

Contrast to the translation process which allows ample time for the output, interpreting requires a high level of multi- tasking as an interpreter needs to listen, understand and convey messages by processing two languages simultaneously without distorting the intent, tone and purpose of the conversation.

Types of Interpreting Services

A good interpreter works as a link between a speaker and a receptor without raising alarms, rendering each message perfectly and transmitting each message’s meaning, tone, and intention.

  1. Face-to-Face / On-Site Interpreting
  2. Telephone Interpreting
  3. Video Remote Interpreting

The two most widely used interpreting services are Telephone Interpreting and Face to Face Interpreting. But while using these services it is recommended to keep few points in mind, mentioned in the next section, to have an effective interpreting session.

Top tips while using Interpreting services

Here are some best practice tips & advice for how to make the most of a telephone and face-to-face interpreting session.

Telephone Interpreting

  1. Brief the interpreter the name of the non-English speaker, the topic to discuss and any relevant information
  2. Be aware of the interpreter’s supplier code in case the call is unexpectedly dropped, or you need to provide feedback or address any other issue, the code is what you need
  3. Keep control over the conversation and provide direction and advice, wherever needed
  4. You can ask questions to the Interpreter to recap or clarify anything in the session
  5. Help the interpreter to understand you easily and avoid using jargon. Speak clearly to the non-English speaker if they are present, making the conversation as natural as possible
  6. Make sure to be prepared with all the information you need and brief the interpreter at the start of the conversation. Provide somewhere private for the conversation to take place, if necessary
  7. Remember, everyone can hear all parts of the conversation so be respectful and avoid engaging the linguist in lengthy discussions that the non-English speaker cannot understand by being inclusive

Face-to-Face Interpreting

  1. Try to book early and give plenty of notice of your booking. For guidance, 24-48 hours is considered short notice.
  2. Save time by online booking an interpreter through the dedicated WordSynk portal, which is open 24/7
  3. Provide us with all your necessary details on how to contact you and describe the nature of the appointment so you get exactly what you need.
  4. Be prepared to provide somewhere for the interpreter to wait away from the person they will be interpreting for and give them a briefing on what will be expected for him/her also to be prepared
  5. Keep control by telling the interpreter and limited English speaker where to sit and manage the proceedings.
  6. Speak clearly to make it easy for the interpreter and avoid jargon. Speak directly to the limited English speaker.
  7. Respect culture and be aware the interpreter or limited English speaker may behave differently or have different expectations because of cultural differences.
  8. Manage time by keeping the session within your booking slot as the interpreter may be needed elsewhere

For more information about our interpreting solutions, visit here.